
John 8:31,32

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;  and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31,32

By far, this is one of the MOST  IMPORTANT  scriptures in the entire Bible!  Anything based on deception, lies, untrue information will ultimately fail and cause great harm.  Airplanes flying, safe use of electricity, healthy drinking water, financial stability, healthy relationships, will all fall apart at great expense if truth is compromised.

God and His universe is based on and is held together by truth. He is called the true God. If He were to compromise truth, He would literally "self-destruct". It is impossible for Him to exist and operate in anything but the truth. Jesus said He was the way, the life and "the Truth" and no one gets to the Father except by Him. Eternity is run by the truth, (God) and anyone who chooses to live in denial of the truth is choosing to exempt themselves from eternity with God. If God is the source of Life and all good things, life outside of the truth is an eternity of personal choice.  That is why God said in Revelation  ...." and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."   Rev  21:8    The unfortunate thing about that is, that it is by personal choice!  

Coming to understand the overwhelming, unconditional Love and Grace of God is to give us the courage to admit our shortcomings to God "in truth"  and receive His gift of forgiveness and Everlasting "Life" in the truth.  Trusting His Love for us and calling on Him to forgive us is called being "Born Again" (into the truth). That is precisely why Jesus said:  "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.".....because the Kingdom of God is 100% truth. God only expects us to be committed to the truth, knowing we will never be 100% true, but honestly trying to live in the truth. Know Truth...Know Life / No Truth....No Life

God has already provided forgiveness of our sins by sending Jesus to pay for ALL sin. Our sin will not keep us out of the Kingdom of Heaven!  Jesus has purchased our forgiveness by paying for ALL sin with His Death, Burial and Resurrection 2000 years ago. If you are waiting for God to accept you, you are 2000 years too late!  He is now waiting for YOU to ACCEPT HIM and His gift of unconditional Love.  This is the truth that is so misunderstood.  If you will ask Him to accept you, He already has, but He needs you to accept Him.  Unless you choose Him, He can not override your free will.  His Integrity will demand that He honors your choice to reject Him (the Truth)  What a pity.  People who end up in Hell, eternally separated from the Love and Excitement of an eternity with the creator of the universe, will all be there BY  CHOICE!   Here is a bit of truth that should encourage you to make a decision Now..... "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name"  John 1:12

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John 10:10

This verse reveals one of the most basic concepts in the Bible.  It is amazing how many Christians think totally contrary to the basic concept revealed in this verse.  Clearly, Jesus is contrasting the works of the thief (devil, Satan) with His (Jesus') nature. Look at the blatant comparison:

The thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have Life and have it abundantly. (NASB)

Steal, Kill and Destroy vs. Abundant life.    How in Heaven's name can anyone miss this ????????

Is sickness and disease abundant life?  Or would it be considered destructive?   DUH!

Yet scores of Christians will hold to the lie that "maybe God had a higher purpose for the sickness (or other destructive event) in order to "teach" us something."  Get serious!   Can't they read? The thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

Even the "Lord's Prayer" says "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" now we have a new insight into Heaven??? has sickness, disease and other destructive events???  WOW!  I can't wait to get about you?  Jesus said in John 14:2 .....I go to prepare a place for you.   Is it any wonder with a theology like this, people don't want anything to do with Jesus?  Who would?

Of course, if you know the truth, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE (abundant life) and that He came to destroy the works of the Devil (1John 3:8) (which is to steal, kill and destroy;) and that He always healed everybody that came to him in humility, then you would not fall into that Satanic theology and be deceived into believing a lie. 

Here is the long and the short of it and it doesn't take a college degree in theology from some Cemetary....I mean Seminary:

God is good and wants to BLESS you with an Abundant Life because His nature IS LIFE.

The Devil is bad and wants to impose His nature on you because His nature is Bad, (Death and Lies)

If you want to have an abundant life, you have to know the truth which is revealed by Jesus and receive Him.....(The Truth)

Without Jesus, you have..........NOTHING.....forever......which is just what the devil wants you to have forever....with him!



Can you identify the important concept revealed by each verse?

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1. Jn 3:16

2. John 8:31,32       Probably THE MOST IMPORTANT VERSE FOR YOU

3. John 10:10

4. 1 Jn 1:7

5. 1 Thess 5:23

6. Jn 5:24

7. Pr 5:22

8. Phil 4:8

9. Pr 18:7

10. Pr 18:21

11. Deut 30:19

12. Phil 2:9

13. Phil 2:10

14. Eph 2:5

15. Eph 2:6

16. Pr 1:7

17. Jer 1:12

18. Ps 33:6

19. Ps 33:9

20. 1 Cor 6:17

21. 1Cor 14:14

22. Ro 8:26

23. Ro 8:27

24. 2 Pet 1:3

25. Eph 1:3

26. 1 Pet 1:23

27. Jude 20

28. Ps 103:2,3

29. Ps 115:16

30. Mt 28:18

31. Mt 28:19,20

32. Gen 1:26

33. Gen 2:16,17

34. Gen 5:3-5

35. Jn 14:6

36. Ro 8:1

37. Ro 8:2

38. Gal 5:13

39. Ro 13:8-10

40. Ro 5:17

41. 2 Cor 5:17

42. 2 Cor 5:21

43. Eph 4:16

44. Eph 2:10

45. Titus 3:5

46. Pr 13:20

47. Nu 23:19

48. Mal 3:6

49. Ps 89:34

50. Ps 119:89

51. 1 Pet 2:24

52. Job 3:25

53. Heb 4:12

54. Heb 10:14

55. Eph 5:1,2

56. John 12:48

57. Rom 6:16

58. Jn 8:34

59. Eph 4:28

60. 1 Jn 3:16

61. 2 Cor 9:8