Seminars & Live Events


God has designed us to "Reign in Life" over our negative circumstances. We will be exploring how this is done during one of our up-coming home-based small group discussions. Starting from the very basics of being "Born From Above", commonly referred to as being "Born Again" or "Regeneration",  we will explore the spiritual dynamics of this Life Changing event.

Moving on from there, we will explore the difference between simply being "Born Again" and the supernatural empowerment called "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit".  Jesus didn't start His ministry until He was baptized in the Holy Spirit,  and He told his disciples not to attempt it either.  We will discuss the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of this essential Baptism and its difference from simple regeneration.   This should clear up much theological confusion surrounding this topic.

In order for any of this to make sense, a clear understanding of the differences between the human spirit and the soul will be revealed as we study what the Bible says about the "Spirit, Soul and Body".  Much misunderstanding and confusion abounds regarding the division of soul and spirit, and this confusion is why the Body of Christ is missing the power that Jesus promised His disciples.

Having a clearer understanding of the spiritual dynamics of victory, we will put our faith to work to see more consistent answered prayer as we begin to apply the Word of God to the circumstances around.  
In addition, we will be exposed to some astounding testimonies of real people who have experienced dramatic, supernatural victory over the most difficult circumstances, up to and including seeing people raised from the dead.  This is truly what it means to "Reign in Life through Jesus Christ". 
For the time and location of this group, contact us for more in depth information.  Hope to see you soon.
........those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness
will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17